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2.9 - Zerograde Policy

A student may receive a Zerograde(s) in any course if the student demonstrates a deficiency in academic or clinical performance or a deficiency in completing essential competencies.  Such deficiency in performance may also result in failure of a course, charges under the appropriate College or University policy, and/or dismissal from the program.  The Zerograde Form, available on the MIRS Department website, communicates the specific deficiencies that may result in a Zerograde.   

Zerogrades severely impact the student’s final course grade as follows:

For first year students in a letter grade course:

One Zerograde            =          reduction of final course grade by five percentage points and disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde.

Two Zerogrades          =           rreduction of final course grade by ten percentage points and disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde..

Three Zerogrades        =          upon occurrence of a third Zerograde, reduction of final course grade by fifteen percentage points and disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde.

If a Zerograde brings the student’s grade below a “C” the student may be dismissed from the program.

For second year students in a letter grade course:  

One Zerograde           =          Reduction of final course grade by one letter grade and disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde. .

Two Zerogrades          =          Reduction of final course grade by two letter grades and disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde.

Three Zerogrades       =          Upon occurrence of a third Zerograde, reduction of final course grade by three letter grades and disciplinary action  as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde.

If a Zerograde brings the student’s grade below a “C” the student may be dismissed from the program..

For any student in an S/U graded course: 

One Zerograde          =          Final course grade will not be altered but Zerograde serves as a warning. Other disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde.

Two Zerogrades         =          Reduction of final course grade to unsatisfactory is immediate and disciplinary action as specified in the student handbook may also be applicable in addition to the Zerograde.

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