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4.20 - Examinations

Department policy recommends, but does not require, that students be allowed to review a graded examination.  Students should generally be permitted to review a graded paper or project within a reasonable time. A two-week limit for reporting grades is considered reasonable.  To provide a fair and consistent testing environment that discourages academic misconduct, departmental faculty may utilize the following standards when conducting proctored tests and quizzes:  

  • Time will be given just prior to the start of the examination for faculty to prepare the testing environment.
  • Exams must be taken at the time and place indicated by the course instructor.
  • For proctored online exams, the course instructor may require a password to access the exam. The password will be provided in the proctored location at the scheduled time.
  • Hats or hoodies may not be worn while taking the exam.
  • Programmable calculators (including devices such as cell phones or smart watches) are not permitted.
  • Instructors will provide scratch paper if needed.
  • All electronic communication devices must be stored in backpack or in a designated area during an exam or quiz and should be turned completely off.
  • Book bags, notebooks, flash cards, electronic communication devices and other items must be put away before the exam begins.
  • Items other than materials needed for the examination may not be allowed in the testing room.
  • Students may not leave the testing room until the exam in completed unless they are acutely ill.
  • Students arriving late must schedule a make-up version of the exam if any student has already completed the assessment and left the testing room prior to the late arrival.
  • Seating guidelines will be used. 

Faculty in the Department adhere to the University schedule and policy concerning final examinations unless an exception is granted at the beginning of the semester.  Every course will have a final examination unless otherwise announced by the instructor. Early final examinations are prohibited.  When a final examination is given, the student must take the examination unless a makeup examination has been discussed with the course instructor.  A student will not be expected to take more than two examinations in one day. The OUHSC final examination schedule is published online with additional information listed for each semester.  

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