An important right of students is participation in a regular system of course and program evaluation. All courses are evaluated by students at the conclusion of each course. Since this input is important to the ongoing improvement of courses and instruction, evaluations are conducted in a manner that creates the maximum benefit from the process for all concerned. Course evaluations are conducted as follows:
No more than two weeks prior to the final exam of a course, a link will be emailed to the student for the electronic course evaluation
The student will use the College’s standard online evaluation tool
With due care to preserve student anonymity and to ensure a thoughtful, objective, and individual evaluation of the course by the student
Students are urged to frame their criticism as strongly as they like but should realize that no matter how valid it may be, it may be considered as personal hostility if profane language is used or if the comments are inconsistent with common decency and respect.
In addition to course evaluations, students are asked to complete program evaluations at the conclusion of the first year and the end of the program, and at six to twelve months following graduation.