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5.13 - Student Fundraising

Updated: 8/16/2023

Student groups may elect to raise money for departmental social, academic or travel activities. Students must follow the fundraising guidelines within the CAH Student Handbook (please select applicable year). Use of any professional meetings or clinic affiliates for fundraising is subject to the college guidelines in addition to any guidelines the University or organization may have. 

To avoid questions of impropriety in fundraising activities, the Department requires students consult with their Program Director or the Departmental Chair before launching a project. A request for permission must also be obtained from the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. This ensures support by the Department and College for the activity. Monies from fundraising must be placed in a jointly-signed student/faculty or faculty/faculty member account.  Two people will take responsibility for co-signing the account. This policy provides a record of monies collected and dispersed and eliminates the need for any student to be responsible for security of collected funds.


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